Worship this Sunday at 9:30 AM: I grew up knowing this parable as “The Prodigal Son.” Giving it that title puts a lot of emphasis on the life and behaviors of the younger, wayward, irresponsible, and ultimately repentant son. Some Bibles now use the heading “The Parable of the Forgiving Father” for this story, shifting the emphasis away from the son’s behaviors to the generous, extravagant grace exuded by the dad. (I’m still waiting for someone to call it “The Parable of the Envious Brother,” with an emphasis on the older brother’s tendency to brag about always doing the right thing while his heart is in the wrong place.) All three characters are compelling and relatable.  

When the son returns home, he’s not met with “Where have you been,” or “explain yourself.” He’s met with open arms, a welcome party, and a celebration that he is alive, well, and back home. How does a church’s practice of radical hospitality serve the community, the church, and the Commonwealth of God?  

Welcome to Green Lake United Methodist Church! Nestled in the heart of Green Lake neighborhood in Seattle, we are a joyful, accepting, and embracing United Methodist congregation striving to love each other and our neighbors

Our church is located in the stone Castle on the corner of N 65th Street and First Avenue NE. Detailed directions are available here. Our Sunday services are in-person at 9:30 a.m. and on the Greenlake Woodland Park YouTube channel at 11 a.m. This week’s link: https://www.youtube.com/@greenlakewoodlandpark1040

Volunteer Opportunity: The second Sunday of the month is Sandwich Makers Sunday. We make about 250 sandwiches for those in need in our community. See more details.