Worship this Sunday, May 19 at 9:30 AM: In 1897, newspapers reported that Mark Twain had died, to which Twain responded “the report of my death was an exaggeration.” This quote has been flowered up in the years since to “reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” “God makes a way where there is no way.” Have you ever heard that expression? Today we get two familiar Bible stories – the prophet Ezekiel in the valley of dry bones, and the Pentecost story from Acts 2. In the Ezekiel story God seems to say, “tell my people who have lost hope that reports of their death have been greatly exaggerated.”

In the Acts story, one might ask “no way can these people who speak different languages communicate with one another!” to which God responds with the Holy Spirit. Do we believe reports of the church’s death have been an exaggeration, that God can bring life to dry bones, and that where there seems to be no way God makes a way? And how do we pray for the Spirit to breathe new life into our own dry places?

Welcome to Green Lake United Methodist Church! Nestled in the heart of Green Lake neighborhood in Seattle, we area joyful, accepting, and embracing United Methodist congregation striving to love each other and our neighbors.

Our church is located in the stone Castle on the corner of N 65th Street and First Avenue NE. Detailed directions are available here. Our Sunday services are in-person at 9:30 a.m. and on the Greenlake Woodland Park YouTube channel at 11 a.m. This week’s link: https://www.youtube.com/@greenlakewoodlandpark1040

Volunteer Opportunity: The second Sunday of the month is Sandwich Makers Sunday. We make about 250 sandwiches for those in need in our community. See more details.