Worship this Sunday, June 2 at 9:30 AM: Organized religion’s center of gravity is rules. This is an unfortunate truth. Religions begin with shared communal experiences, radical grace and inclusion, and diversity but soon we start building walls, structures, and boundaries, defining “right and wrong” forms of belief and behavior, creeds and doctrines, all moving toward a legalistic worldview. Soon enough we start following the rules for the rules’ sake, enforcing rules that may prevent us from doing good things. Radically inclusive grace can only become the center of gravity for a church community if we are intentional about displacing adherence to rules while centering compassion, grace, and healing. Let’s talk about that this Sunday.

This is also a Communion Sunday, so if you are worshiping at home you might get some bread and juice ready for Sunday’s livestream. 

Welcome to Green Lake United Methodist Church! Nestled in the heart of Green Lake neighborhood in Seattle, we area joyful, accepting, and embracing United Methodist congregation striving to love each other and our neighbors.

Our church is located in the stone Castle on the corner of N 65th Street and First Avenue NE. Detailed directions are available here. Our Sunday services are in-person at 9:30 a.m. and on the Greenlake Woodland Park YouTube channel at 11 a.m. This week’s link: https://www.youtube.com/@greenlakewoodlandpark1040

Volunteer Opportunity: The second Sunday of the month is Sandwich Makers Sunday. We make about 250 sandwiches for those in need in our community. See more details.